
作者:  来源:  2021年12月09日
Arabic Numerals (阿拉伯数字)

Although there are still a few well-established uses for roman numerals, virtually all numbers not spelled out are commonly represented today by arabic numerals. If you keyboard does not have the number 1, use a small letter el (l), not capital I, for the arabic numeral.

虽然罗马数字的一些用法已经被很好的固定下来,事实上,所有没具体说明的数字如今都是以阿拉伯数字的形式被呈现出来的。如果你的键盘上没有阿拉伯数字1,可以使用小写字母 “l”代替(l,m,n的l),而不是使用大写的I(H,I,J的I)

Use of Words or Numerals(数字的拼写形式及非拼写形式的使用)

A. If you are writing about literature or another subject that involves infrequent use of numbers, you may spell out numbers written in one or two words. (one, thirty-six, one hundred). To form the plural of a spelled-out number, treat the word like an ordinary noun (sixes, sevens).

A.如果论文研究内容是关于很少涉及数字使用的学科,如文学等学科,那么可以用单词拼写出数字(如one, thirty-six, one hundred)。如果被拼写成单词的数字想表达复数形式,那么可将其当作普通名词进行处理(如sixes, sevens)。

B. If you project is one that calls for frequent use of numbers--say, a paper on a scientific subject--use numerals for all numbers that precede units of measurement (5 milliliters).B.如果论文研究内容需要频繁地使用数字,如科学主题性质的论文,其中计量单位前的所有数字都要用非拼写形式表达(如5毫升)。

Note: 注意

a. Do not begin a sentence with a numeral.文章开头不要用非拼写形式的数字。

Example:Nineteen ninety-two began with several good omens. (正确形式)

b. Except at the beginning of a sentence, always use numerals in the following instances:除了在开头之外,下列实例中的数字需要用非拼写形式表达。

① With abbreviations or symbols使用缩写或带有符号Example:3%4:20 p.m.2’’$9

② In addresses 在地址中4401 13th Avenue

③ In dates 在日期表达中April 1, 2001

④ In decimal fractions 十进制分数中8.3

⑤ In page references 在参考页码中Page 7 

Commas in Numbers(数字中的逗号)

Commas are usually placed between the third and fourth digits from the right, the sixth and seventh, and so on.数字中的逗号经常使用在第三、第四位数字之间,或第六、第七位数字之间,以此类推。

Example:1,0007,654,321Note: Following are some of the exceptions to this practice:注意: 以下是一些特殊使用情况。

① Page and line numbers 页码和行数Example: On page 1014

② Addresses 地址Example: At 4132 Broadway

③ Four-Digit year numbers 四位数字的年份Example: In 1999 Note:But commas are added in year numbers of five or more figures

注意: 在用超过5个以上数字表示的年份中,要使用逗号。Example: In 20,000 BC

Inclusive Numbers(区间数字)

A. In a range of numbers, give the second number in full for numbers through ninety-nine.表达区间数字时,区间范围在99以内,第二个数字要拼写出完整的位数。Example: 2-3; 89-99

B. For larger numbers, give only the last two digits of the second number unless more are necessary对于较大的数字,如无全部写出的必要,第二个数字可以只拼写最后两位。Example: 96-101; 1003-05      

C. In a range of years, write both in full unless they are within the same century.表达区间年份时,在同一个世纪的年份可以简写,否则两个年份都必须写全。Example: 1989-1901; 1989-99

Roman Numerals(罗马数字)

A. Use Capital roman numerals for the primary divisions of an outline and after the names of individuals in a series.A.论文中,提纲的一级标题部分应使用大写的罗马数字;大写的罗马数字同样使用在有继承性质的人名中。Example: Elizabeth II 伊丽莎白二世

B. Use lowercase roman numerals for citing pages of a book that are so numbered (e.g., the pages in a preface). Treat inclusive roman numerals like inclusive arabic numerals (xxv-vi).B.用小写字体的罗马数字来表达引用书目的页码(如序言的页码)。罗马数字的区间表达方式和阿拉伯数字相同(如xxv-vi)。

